Transferring Your Section 8 Voucher To A Different State - A Brief Guide

If you are a tenant under Section 8, it would be daunting to move from one rental house to another. Still, transferring your voucher to a different state is possible. However, you have to focus on some important things before making a move. There are Section 8 voucher moving rules, and you have to be well-informed about them.

The process of moving with your Section 8 voucher.

The relocation process for Section 8 tenants is different from a normal moving process. You have to go through a particular procedure to make this moving success. 

Express your desire to vacate the rental home

The first step is to send a notice to the landlord at least 30 days before starting the moving process. Make sure that you are eligible for it. 

- Obtain a voucher

You will then receive a Section 8 voucher to confirm that you will receive assistance and are eligible to move. The validity of the voucher is 120 days. 

- Tenancy approval package

You have to submit this package and get prepared for relocating to a different rental unit. 

Other rules for moving with your Section 8 voucher

When receiving Section 8 assistance, you must know some moving rules. 

- Family breakup- If you need to split your family, HUD enables the local PHA to identify future benefits. 

- Portability rules - In case you need to shift to a different jurisdiction, you can seek help from HUD. But, you will not get new assistance until your old voucher loses its validity. 

- Project-based help- You will not achieve your benefits by getting project-based assistance instead of tenant-based one. 

- Local relocation- There are some Federal rules helping you to move within traditional jurisdiction. 

Time to transfer the voucher to another state in the USA

It takes around 6 to 10 weeks to transfer the Section 8 voucher to a new state. You have to ensure that you have followed the steps to avoid potential delays. It never matters whether you like to transfer 1 mile or 100 miles away. Ensure that you have taken the right measures to have rental assistance with you. To make the transfer successful, you should

- Get in touch with the housing authority

- Confirm the location

- Send your paperwork to the new jurisdiction

- Look for rental assistance with your new PHA

Before the rental agreement is up, you can move with your voucher. But, it happens only under particular circumstances. 

- Accommodation needs for disabilities

- Cases of physical assault 

- To ensure the safety and protect the health of your family members

So, you have to show some strong reasons behind your relocation. 

If it is the first time you move with the Section 8 voucher, you will find our guide helpful. It is even possible to end the lease before the scheduled date. Consider the latest rules set by HUD and get ready for the moving process. To solve more queries, you can contact your local PHA.

Section 8 Contract Public Records