Section 8 houses for rent in Gibsoncity, Illinois

Ford County Housing Authority

  • 214 East 7th Street, Gibson City, Illinois 60936
  • (217) 784-5488
Tonya Nichols

Tonya Nichols


Staff very friendly and efficient Very pleasant place to live and great location Nice place to call home Apts could use some updating

Gibson Gardens

  • 500 East 13th Street, Gibson City, Illinois 60936

Gibson City FMHA Apartments

  • 637 North State Street, Gibson City, Illinois 60936
  • (217) 784-4756

Section 8 housing for rent

SECTION 8 ACCEPTED This lovely ranch comes with 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom There is hardwood flooring throughout the unit There is a very clean basement that is great for storage and activities If interested please provide your phone number