Section 8 houses for rent in Eagan, Minnesota
Dakota County Community Development Agency (CDA)
- 1228 Town Centre Drive, Eagan, Minnesota 55123
- (651) 675-4400

Grace Howard
CDA board Funders HUD and prospective participants bewarennIve worked with many disabled families reporting alarming rates of targeted mistreatment and discrimination against vulnerable persons with disabilities by CDA lead staffnnOther reports include CDAs due process failures and inadequate grievance policies CDA appeals are apparently not held in district
CDA board Funders HUD and prospective participants bewarennIve worked with many disabled families reporting alarming rates of targeted mistreatment and discrimination against vulnerable persons with disabilities by CDA lead staffnnOther reports include CDAs due process failures and inadequate grievance policies CDA appeals are apparently not held in district court in Dakota as they would be in Hennepin or Ramsey so they run this agency like a Mafia essentially doing whatever they want including only accepting bad factsevidence that meet their ableist and biased narrativennThe CDAs unwillingness to work with participants or cooperate with Dakota County social services unnecessarily forces disabledsingle parent families with young children into homelessness and crisis which is in no way cost effective for MN taxpayersnnInstead the CDAs practices cost MN tax payers millions by forcing unnecessary hospitalizations institutionalization crisis housing foster placements funding and services as a result of their refusal to approve ADA AccommodationsnnThe CDA chronically refuses lifesustaining medicallyprescribed ADA accommodations citing financial hardship Workers have also been known to gaslight developmentally disabled participants with ludicrous statements such as approving ADA accommodations like an extra bedroom for a livein Aid or medically prescribed medical equipment would prevent an entire separate housing voucher for another participant in neednnKnow that this isnt truthful An extra bedroom for an ADA accommodation typically only costs 2300mo extra vs an entire Voucher that starts at 1300monnCDA staff outright lie gaslight and manipulate the developmentally disabled with false narratives like this because they know they can get away with it Its frankly disgustingnnCDAs refusal to accommodate persons with disabilities is NOT costeffective because it unnecessarily forces them Into institutions and hospitals at the tremendous financial burden and undue hardship of MN taxpayersnnThe CDAs policies and statistics may appear healthy on the outside but their deep rooted bullying culture and discriminatory practices pose tremendous barriers for Disabled Minnesotans saving Billions of Taxpayer dollars by maintaining home placements This housing Authoritys refusal to accommodate under ADA and MN Olmstead Plan burdens Minnesota taxpayers Community Stakeholders local hospitals and shelters and other County programs effectively deeming the CDA Agency poor stewards of HUD funding nnRecent Data requests revealed one of the CDAs denied ADA accommodations valued at approximately 3600yr resulted in forced institutionalization and foster placements of the disabled participant and his children costing the state 1000000yr over 18 million over the the next 18 yearsnnThis is just BAD businessnnThere is something terribly wrong with CDA management their overzealous legal rep and the discriminatory way in which this agency is runnnA quick call to legal aid and Dakota County Social services will verify the above listed experiences and reputationnnThe CDAs refusal to cooperatecoordinate with Dakota County Social Services is not serving Minnesota taxpayers best interestsnnAffected families please continue reporting your cases of covert andor highly egregious discrimination to HUD Legal Aid Local Reps and CommissionersnMurphyVHarpstead MNOlmsteadMandate DakotaCountyCDAdiscrimination DakotaCountyHousingAuthority OlmsteadImplementationOffice HUD
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Riverview Ridge Townhomes
- 3182 Riverview Avenue, Eagan, Minnesota 55121

Christina Hill
This is a great place to live In spite of being right off Hwy 13 it is a quiet peaceful place with a lot of wild life roaming around
1183 Oak St
- 1183 Oak Street, Eagan, Minnesota 55121
Erin Place Family Townhomes
- 2180 Cedar Lane, Eagan, Minnesota 55122
Cedar Villas
- 2166 Cedar Lane, Eagan, Minnesota 55122